The regard that something is held useful, important and precious, or the worth of something measured by the price paid or asked for it.
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VQ The Golden Card (code number ART: 0000 0003 1109 1102), made by Urtica, 2011
(c) 2010 Urtica
The allegorical use of gold (mythic metal) juxtaposed with plastic (cheap synthetic material) questions on a notion of “commodity fetishism” and the relation between item’s commodity value and its symbolic value. The VQ Golden Card serves as a deposit of value and a medium that connects people. Its symbol is a bird inspired by an ancient Persian poem Bird Parliament (1177).
An example in the ARTS -> "Nowadays people know the price of everything and value of nothing" (1)
“VQ The Golden Card is designed for artistic use only. Each card contains one of numerous answers to the question what is Value?
The answer is coded as the combination of four-digit sequences each of which represents a certain letter. The first two digits of the sequence determine weather the letter is vowel, consonant or semivowel, while the second two digits indicate the letters’ frequency based on Linotype machines letters’ frequency order.
A cardowner is the only one to know the coded information, therefore it is up to her/him to keep it safe or not. Any disclosure of the information to the third party might result in exchange of views. For the efficiency of the system we kindly encourage the cardowner to share it with her/his friends. Let’s be in quest of the value.” (2)
REF 1 -> Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1890
REF 2 -> An inscription on the back of VQ The Golden Card, created by Urtica, art and media research group.