Value Quest Bourse Logo An electronic allegory of Casino Capitalism
No one is free. The winners must compete, the losers must be exploited

  • tridens
  • thesaurus
  • nutrimentum
  • metamorphosis
  • faber
  • nuntius
  • sidereus
  • antidotum
  • manus
  • lucrum

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Terms and descriptions

Value Quest Bourse
—The Indices of Fortune

The requisite elements for achieving a goal in games, economics or life are: disposition of ENVIRONMENT, available RESOURCES, and chosen STRATEGIES.

ENVIRONMENT—outside bets—features of surrounding relevant to resource seeking perspective, e.g. Mutability, Stability RESOURCES—outside bets (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th)—money, materials, staff or information that players seek in the environment, e.g. Funds and Capital STRATEGIES—inside bets (1-36)—actions pointed to achieve a goal in games, economics or life, e.g. Speculation, Planning

Despite of a general tendency toward the mitigation of uncertainty, one often has to make a hazardous manoeuvres or to make a random choices. Double zero style of VQ roulette highlights that rudimentary relationship between Risk and Safety.

A possibility of an undesirable outcome, damage or loss
The condition of being protected from risk
Environment features of surrounding
relevant to resource perspective
Hostility Risk
The disposition of surrounding toward the player, the hostility increases risk
Capacity Safety
The supply of resources in the environment, the munificence enlarges safety
Mutability Risk
Liable to change, high level of overturns raise uncertainty and risk
Stability Safety
Firmly established, low level of fluctuations increase safety
Concentration Risk
The degree to which necessary resources are controlled by a small number of players, high concentration raises dependance and risk
Coordination Safety
The capacity of players to act together, according to shared group ethics and common values or goals, strengthens safety
Resource 1st stock  FUNDS & CAPITAL
1. Speculation Mutability
Taking high risks in expectation of large gains
2. Solidity Stability
The state of being substantial and firm
3. Corruption Mutability
Bribery or depraved conduct by those in power
4. Intervention Stability
(State) influence in another’s affairs or marketplace
5. Laissez faire Mutability
Develop without (state) control
6. Autonomy Stability
The condition of self-government
7. Restriction Mutability
The control and limitation of someone or something
8. Interest Stability
A stake in an undertaking
9. Bankruptcy Mutability
Declared as insolvent and controlled by court-appointed trustee
Resource 2nd stock  PERSONNEL
10. Responsibility Stability
A moral obligation to deal with something
11. Chance Stability
An opportunity to succeed unexpectedly
12. Adaptability Mutability
Learn from experience and adjust to new conditions
13. Satisfaction Stability
Fulfilment of a need, demand or desire
14. Coercion Mutability
The use of force or threats to make someone do something unwillingly
15. Planning Stability
A set of actions for achieve goals in future
16. Choice Mutability
An act of choosing among two or more possibilities
17. Impartiality Stability
Fair and just treatment of all rivals
18. Mistake Mutability
Incorrect action or judgement
Resource 3rd stock  INFORMATION
19. Randomness Mutability
Happening without method or conscious decision
20. Probability Stability
The likelihood that something will happen
21. Contingency Mutability
An event that cannot be predicted with certainty
22. Privilege Stability
A special advantage available only to some people
23. Uncertainty Mutability
Unmeasurable risk
24. Predictability Stability
Happening in the way you expected
25. Withdrawal Mutability
The action of removing or stopping something
26. Expectation Stability
A belief that something ought to happen
27. Fluctuation Mutability
Irregular rise and fall in a quantity and quality over time
Resource 4th stock  PRODUCTS & SERVICES
28. Competitiveness Stability
An ability to strive better than others
29. Durability Stability
Continuing for a long time
30. Dependence Mutability
The state of relying on or being controlled
31. Equilibrium Stability
A state in which supply and demand are matched
32. Struggle Mutability
A long/hard fight
33. Efficiency Stability
The use of resources that maximises the production
34. Reduction Mutability
The process of decreasing
35. Expansion Stability
The process of increasing
36. Variability Mutability
The range of possible outcomes